Tanah tempat Ina-ina yang begitu berani dan berhati besar Flores

Flores, a land where brave and compassionate ina-ina live….

Petronela Peni (Slide 1 and 2), her husband was murdered 20 years ago. “Not because of tribal conflict, but because of personal issue. It’s okay,”she said bravely.

All alone she raised her child while getting herself involved in PEKKA. “Tite (We) went around to villages, no salary. Only transport allowance, that includes fees for the ferry to Adonara – Lembata – Larantuka,” she said. As a leader, Nella ensures that the cooperative runs smoothly. “Because when the cooperative is good, ina-ina can sell woven fabric, garden products and can get a loan too.” Nella does her job happily. “As the leader of PEKKA union of NTT, Nella is like Jokowi here, haha.”

Then, there is Theresia Benga Ola (slide 3 and 4), 70 years of age. She is one of the weaving maestros in Adonara, her woven details are remarkably neat and beautiful. Women go to her to learn how to weave. 

Ina Benga’s husband passed away 12 years ago. “I cannot remarry, because ivory or dowry that must be paid to my late husband’s family is very high,” she explained. “Actually, my late husband technically still owed me my dowry. It has not been paid off yet. If I remarry, I don’t know what will become of that dowry.”

Belis or dowry is a complex paradox. On one side, it serves the purpose as a token of appreciation for the woman. But on the other hand, it creates complexity and burden just like what Benga is facing. 

“It’s okay, I’m not bothered about this ivory issue.” She said. She would rather focus on weaving. “I have a grandchild whose education I have to take care of.”

In PEKKA House, ina-ina will share their stories. Tears often flow together with laughter. Some shared a story about a fight at some house. Some told a story about her husband who went off for ten years and sent no words, then he came home bringing a child. “Mamaeee, it was his child and he asked me to care for him. Hahahaha…. Oh my goodness…” 

It is not ina-ina of Flores if they are not invincible. When the mood at home is gloomy, when their hearts are restless, they would come to PEKKA House to weave, do gardening and having a laugh together. “Tite entertain ourselves here.”




PUBLISHED BY Puan Indonesia
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